Data is Fun

Where Data is Fun

Category: Uncategorized

  • Looking at 311 calls about Pigeons

    Using NYC 311 complaint data pigeon complaints were explored. Complaints included individuals complaining about pigeon waste, or pigeon odors. For this visualization only the March 1-10th 2024 period was explored. The darker the color, the more complaints. Notice that Manhattan and Brooklyn have a few hot spots for complaints. This again raises the question are…

  • Items left in NYC Taxi

    A look at 311 data and items reported left behind in NYC Taxis. The two large dots correspond to the airports (LGA & JFK). It seems surprising that there aren’t many items lost in Staten Island or reported lost. Looking at what is left behind wallets, glasses, and phones are commonly left. It is surprising…


    Locations of FDNY (Fire Department of New York) in NYC.

  • BBQ Locations in Manhattan

    There are only certain parks that allow BBQing. BBQs are not allowed in most parks in Manhattan, but are allowed at the parks on the map. The only downtown location is the East River Park which also requires a permit to BBQ.